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Ambition Content: Posts

The posts section supports three post formats. Post formats allow the posts to be displayed in special layouts in a similar way to Page Templates. Ambition uses the Video, Audio and Standard post type.

Before you add these posts, it is a good idea to plan out your content structure. Posts may be divided into several topics, such as News, Lifestyle, Interviews and so on. In our demo, we use “Latest News,” “Audio,” “Videos,” and “Blog.” These categories create a sub-menu that is displayed across the top of your archive pages. Depending on the post format you use, these archive pages will display using the appropriate layout corresponding to the post format.

It is important that your main video and audio categories contain only posts using those formats in order for the above layouts to be used. The below example shows you how to create a structure that supports post formats:

Setup Categories

  1. Click on PostsCategories
  2. Add a new category to serve as your main News category, then click Add New Category. For example, our demo uses “Latest News.”
  3. Repeat to add a category named Featured. You can use the Featured category to hand-pick posts from across multiple categories to display in your widgets.
  4.  Add a Sound and Video category to showcase those post types if you plan to use them.
  5. Add more categories as desired, but keep them general to make navigating your content easier.
    • Use Tags in your posts to break the content down into more detailed topics if needed.


You may also create sub-categories. Sub-categories are not shown directly in the archives menu, but can be added to your main navigation menu if desired. This is not required, but is helpful for Search Engine Optimization. Categorizing posts also allows you to display separate blog feed pages for each category, if desired.

View our Theme Demo for an example of how categories can be used.

Useful information

Learn more about Categories here.

Create a Post

  1. Click on Posts Add New
  2. Add a title and enter your content.
  3. Create an excerpt by either typing some text into the Excerpt field below the post editor.
  4. Click Browse in the Ambition Options panel to add a featured image. 
    • Tip: Add featured images to your video posts for display in widgets and layouts where a video thumbnail may be too tiny to view properly.
  5. Add any relevant post meta such as your oEmbed link etc
  6. Select the post format in the right sidebar
  7. Click Publish

For details on using Post Formats, continue on or jump straight to Adding Video Posts and Adding Audio Posts