The Solution

For Layers, please refer to the Layers Plugin Compatibility page.

The following plugins are tested for compatibility with themes running on OCMX and developed 2013 or later. Plugins we test  ensure the plugin can be activated without error, will not conflict with an unmodified theme, and can be configured.

We cannot guarantee specific functionality in the plugin will work – that is up to the plugin developer to test and ensure for each version of WordPress. Always ensure plugins are actively updated and compatible with the current version of WordPress by checking the Details prior to installation, or the plugin page on the WordPress Codex.

We cannot provide any recommendation or testing for premium plugins not cleared through the WordPress plugin repository which are not listed here or developed by us.

Note that we do not directly support any of these plugins! For styling, setup or technical support of any of them, visit the plugin’s page on or codecanyon (or wherever you purchased it)

Tested Plugins

WordPress Importer

All themes.

Regenerate Thumbnails

When installing, be sure to grab the correct plugin, NOT “Force Regenerate” or “Ajax Regenerate Thumbnails” etc. This plugin has the most downloads and highest rating if searching via Plugins > Add New


All themes

Gravity Forms (free and premium)

All themes

Bulletproof Security

All themes – note that this does NOT work well with subdomains, subdirectory installs, or hosts that already have server-level htaccess rules.

Wordfence Security

A more generalize plugin intended to help notify you of security risks and do periodic scanning for code injections. Does not prevent attacks.

W3 Total Cache

All themes

WordPress SEO

All themes released in 2015 or later. Note that this plugin may conflict with your theme’s Facebook OpenGraph or built-in SEO settings if not configured correctly. See the following:


All eCommerce themes. It will also work on most non-eCommerce themes, however those themes do not come with special templates or styling for WooCommerce so you are on your own with regards to how the shop and products appear.

Remove Inactive Widgets

Useful to remove large numbers of widgets from your Inactive Sidebars in the Widget area if needed.

All themes

Solid Code Theme Editor

We may instruct you to install this for added support in editing a template file if you do not have the skills or access to an HTMl editor/FTP client.

Unattach and Reattach Media Attachments

Useful for reattaching files from your media library to specific posts if they were uploaded before the post was created or your site was moved from a different location and the connections broken.

Google Fonts

All current themes. You will need custom CSS to replace fonts in specific elements. See the plugin FAQ for help or the following:

How to Customize Fonts

Contact Form 7

See this article for help with styling forms – not all theme form styling will be picked up by this plugin.

Dynamic Widgets

 Allows setting rules for where and how widgets appear in your widget areas.

Page Links To

Used to redirect any post or page to a specific URL. This is helpful in themes without certain widget types that want to use posts or pages with featured images to link to categories or other dynamic pages, for example.



See this article for compatible translation methods

WPML + String Translation Extension

WPML tests our themes for approval. We additionally ensure hard-coded English text strings are translatable via String Translation. Our testing does not extend to other addons, specific language compatibility, font compatibility with special characters, or language switching.

Gigawatt, Dynamo, Flatpack, Store, Retail Therapy, Department, Capital, Express, The Writer, Foundation, Personal, Picks, all themes released in 2014 or later

Loco Translate

See How to Translate an Obox Theme for tips

CodeStyling Localization

This plugin has been discontinued on the WordPress plugin repository by the original author and should be replaced with an alternative.

Known Compatible Plugins

The following plugins are known to be compatible with 2013 themes or later with WordPress 4.0 either due to author testing, or our customers putting them into use successfully. These affect the front-end of your site to some degree. Plugins which are specific to the admin do not need to worry as much about theme compatibility as they are not interacting with it.

  • Opt-in Monster
  • Simple Ads Manager
  • Mailchimp for WordPress (official Mailchimp plugin)
  • Fast & Secure Contact Form
  • Campaign Monitor Ajax Forms
  • WP Lightbox 2
  • Simple Lightbox
  • Responsive Lightbox
Promotion/Popup Modals
  • Opt-In Monster (premium)
  • UK Cookie Consent – will work for any English Language site (may be localized with Codestyling Localization) to help your site comply with EU Cookie laws. Requires 3rd party account.
Font Customization
  • Google Fonts
  • Typekit Fonts for WordPress by OM4
  • Menu Social Icons – changes any social network links you add to your wordpress menus into icons. useful if you want to change the position of the social links to one of the other menus outside of the theme options
  • WP Social Avatar – adds support for social profile avatars in place of your author avatar or gravatars in comments.
  • Disquss – 2013 Themes or later
  • Spam Free WordPress
  • Advanced Custom Fields (note that you must create a child theme for implementation of the field hooks)
  • Anthologize (PDF Creation tool)
  • WP-SynHighlight
  • Crayon Syntax Highlighter
  • ShortCodes Ultimate
  • MasterSlider (best option – premium version supports loading custom post type content), This plugin’s widget may require custom styling to show up properly in Parallax themes such as Dynamo with the Full Width layout enabled, or otherwise need to be placed in the Home Page area and not the Slider area. Please see the plugin documentation for support and help.
  • Meta Slider – Use r.Slides mode and make sure the width and height are approproately set for your theme’s slider size (see the Slider documentation). In eCommerce themes, this is 1920×520 for Full Width or 1000×520 for Boxed.
  • Responsive Slider
  • ShortCodes Ultimate
  • Aesop Story Engine (the Writer/Fall) – Works great but requires you to add custom css for expanding the copy container to 100% for parallax elements. The plugin has documentation for how to do this.
  • Visual Composer – this plugin will work fine but note that our themes are not designed around Visual Composer, therefore you may require a lot of Custom CSS to get the elements styling the way you want it. Post content areas with a sidebar are limited to 660px in most cases and this plugin probably won’t jive with the Obox Widgets.
  • ShortCodes Ultimate – recommended over the above 3 for extending your content editor and widget options.


The following plugins have been used or tested by us or our clients and are found to be solid choices for extending your shop.  Each group is specifically known to work together, note that plugins from separate groups may or may not work together, and WooCommerce plugins not on this list may cause any of these to fail.

  • WooCommerce Jetpack – Allows several customizations including tabs, text replacement, separate products per page count, checkout forms, etc
  • Woocommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife – similar to the WooCommerce Jetpack but aimed at developers with a bit more control for some options
  • Woocommerce Product Tab Pro – standalone option for custom tabs and tab content
  • Woo Radio Buttons –  This is a very simple leight-weight plugin that makes the default variations for Woocommerce into radio buttons instead of dropdowns.
  • WooThemes Helper – Provides auto-update assistance for official WooCommerce extensions
  • WP Store Locator – An easy to use location management system that enables users to search for nearby physical stores
  • YITH WooCommerce Ajax Navigation – Extends the default Layered nav options (buttons, color picker etc) and allows user to filter products in Shop page without reloading the page.
  • YITH Woocommerce Compare allows you to compare more products with woocommerce plugin, through product attributes.
  • YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier – Zooms the product post featured image. Upload images at least 2X larger than your set WooCommerce product image width for best results. Zoom may NOT work well with the Product Slider option enabled.
  • WooCommerce Bulk Order Form – Adds the [wcbulkorder] shortcode which allows you to display bulk order forms on any page in your site
  • WooCommerce Custom Price – Extends WooCommerce by adding an option to display custom text for products with free price and blank price.
  • WooCommerce Dynamic Gallery LITE – Auto adds a fully customizable dynamic images gallery to every single product page with thumbnails, caption text and lazy-load. **Most customization options require the premium version.
  • Woocommerce easy booking system – Allows users to rent or book products
  • WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips – Create, print & email PDF invoices & packing slips for WooCommerce orders.


Known Problems

Plugins known to cause problems:

  • Any plugin not updated for WordPress 4.2 or later
  • Any plugin that bundles jQuery instead of enqueing scripts properly. These will cause things in your admin to break, your slider to break, or WooCommerce functions like the cart or product tabs.
  • WP Super Cache – this plugin is problematic for WooCommerce sites and sites using server-side caching. It is known to cause issues with option saving when database caching is enabled and can cause your content to not update promptly.
  • Any plugin that minifies all of your CSS and Javascript automatically.
  • WordPress SEO duplicating site titles in browser bar (see above for how to resolve most issues with WordPress SEO)
  • Jetpack by – This plugin is often bundled with host’s one-click installs of WordPress and requires a account. Not all Jetpack modules cause issues with all themes. The following have been known to cause scripting conflicts or require theme modification to work:
    • stats, Vaultpress – should work ok but may cause your site to be slow
    • Publicize – if Facebook sharing is not working, disable the theme’s OpenGraph support in Theme Options (newer themes only)
    • Jetpack Comments – use a standalone plugin for adding social network logins to the default WordPress comments in your theme
    • Carousel – will conflict with the theme’s slider if used on a page with a slider widget or portfolio slider. Should be ok in standalone posts and pages.
    • Likes & Sharing – turn off the theme’s Social Sharing and Facebook option in Theme Options if this is used. Styling and position of the plugin may vary from theme to theme and may require you to adjust with Custom CSS
    • Omnisearch – disable the theme’s search box. Placement of Omnisearch may vary from theme to theme and may require you to adjust with Custom CSS (not supported by us)
    • Contact Form – you will need to style this with Custom CSS in most cases and the Thank You page in Ajax mode has been producing an error since 3.9 so we realy recommend CF7. Do not use in Sliders.
    • shortlinks – WordPress already provides shortlink support so this is not necessary in most cases and may not work on the theme’s Custom Post Types, or with WooCommerce. If your theme also uses google shortlinks, make sure they are disabled in Theme Options before testing this module.
    • Tiled Galleries – our themes provide styling for the WordPress gallery in some cases, which may keep this from working.
    • Mobile Theme – not needed on newer themes which are all mobile-compatible/responsive. Will not work well with WooCommerce and will not support the theme’s custom page templates.
    • Custom CSS – not needed. Use the Custom CSS field in the Theme Options instead.
    • Beautiful Math – do not enable this unless you know how to use it. May require styling adjustments.
    • Infinite Scroll – requires template edits and will likely cause scripting conflicts. This is not compatible with theme homepages or WooCommerce as of 4.0
    • JSON API – Do not enable this unless you know what you are doing. We absolutely do not provide support for this module as it should only be used on modified/derivative versions of our themes.
    • VideoPress – This should work OK, however it does not integrate with the theme’s featured video display so videopress videos can only be displayed in the featured video areas/widgets via an embed code from the videopress website, or via embeds directly in the post body.

Jetpack Infinite Scroll is specifically tested and approved for use with The Writer. See this article for details:

How to Enable Infinite Scroll

We recommend you install the standalone plugins for the functionality you are looking for from Jetpack if you encounter issues.