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Ink Drop

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Ink Drop: Customize Colors

You can customize in several ways, from the basic options in Theme Options, to full customization using Custom CSS. Below we will walk you through the WordPress Customizer, and explain how you can use the Custom CSS panel and Typography Manager for full customization.


WordPress Customizer

WordPress 3.4+ introduces a user-friendly and simple theme customization panel that assists you in tweaking certain aspects of your theme such as the logo, favicon, colors, background and other standard WordPress display settings. Through the customizer, you can create a completely new color theme to make Ambition reflect your style and personality.


Oh no, I screwed up! How can I go back to the theme defaults? You can reset your colors to the default by expanding the General Theme Settings section and choose Reset Color Scheme.

The customizer is still an early feature of WordPress , and as such is not perfect. If a color change is not updating in the preview panel, Save and refresh the page.


How to customize your theme

  1. Click Theme OptionsCustomize Colors OR
  2. Click AppearanceThemes
  3. Click Customize next to the theme thumbnail.

You will then have access to the following customizable options, with Obox theme options colored in Blue:

Each option is explained with illustration below:

General Theme Settings

 Use Theme Default Color Scheme

Set this to No to activate your custom color settings, or Yes to return to theme defaults.

Custom Logo

Quick-set the logo. For more control, go to Theme OptionsGeneral

Custom Favicon

Quick-set the favicon. For more control, go to Theme OptionsGeneral

Reset Color Scheme Settings

Resets all options to default whether Yes or No is chosen. Used for troubleshooting or clearing previous theme color schemes.


Header Color Scheme

  • Logo & Menu Bar Background – header area on all pages, if no custom header image is set
  • Menu Borders – borders below main menu on homepage
  • Site Title (text logo) – color of text-based site title if no logo uploaded
  • Tagline – color of the site description/tagline
  • Expanded Menu Links – color of links in the expanded menu and submenus
  • Expanded Menu Link Hover – link hover color of expanded links and submenus
  • Sidebar Toggle – color of sidebar toggle menu label and icon


Sidebar  Color Scheme

  • – background color of slide-in sidebar, if you want it to be different from the main background color
  • – color of widget titles. Note that some widgets that link the title (such as Twitter) or plugins widgets with their own styling may ignore this.
  • – color of text in widgets. This does not include iframe content like Facebook or Twitter.

Title Color Scheme

  • – global background color of title banner on interior pages, mainly seen on archives/categories. Page template options override this.
  • – global background color of title on interior pages, mainly seen on archives/categories. Page/Post template options override this.
  • – color of excerpt text  in the title banner, displayed on pages

List Pages Color Scheme


Single Post/Page Color Scheme

This section covers single views of your posts, psges and portfolios. It is broken up into two sections, the content area and the comments/related posts section. Note that forms are separated and affect all forms,  not just the comments reply form.

  1. & Hover


Forms Color Scheme

Form colors affect all general forms which should also extend to Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 plugins. Other plugins may require Custom CSS or plugin settings to adopt your form color scheme. This example uses a contact form 7 widget in the sidebar. The light gray background color shown here is the Sidebar container color color found in the Sidebar Color Scheme section.



This is a standard WordPress setting which sets the general background color. This color may be overridden by other options above. For more control, or to upload a background image, go to AppearanceBackground

Footer Color Scheme

Header Image

Global option for setting a header bacgkround. This image or texture overrides the color option above, and sets the background in the section containing your logo and navigation. This is only mainly visible on the homepage. For best results, do NOT use this to set a logo – it is best used for textures/background graphics or photos that sit under the header text/logo and menu. Recommended image size is at least 1920px tall and 250px wide. The uploader will allow you to crop the image up to 520px tall to support variations in logo size on your homepage. By default the header is around 250px tall on the homepage and 70px tall on the interior pages.

Background Image

Allows quick-setting of the background image. This may override background color options set in the above sections. For more control such as position and tiling, go to AppearanceBackground

Customize Colors

You can customize fall in several ways, from the basic options in Theme Options, to full customization using Custom CSS. Below we will walk you through the WordPress Customizer, and explain how you can use the Custom CSS panel and Typography Manager for full customization.

WordPress Customizer

WordPress 3.4+ introduces a user-friendly and simple theme customization panel that assists you in tweaking certain aspects of your theme such as the logo, favicon, colors, background and other standard WordPress display settings. Through the customizer, you can create a completely new color theme to make Ambition reflect your style and personality.


Oh no, I screwed up! How can I go back to the theme defaults? You can reset your colors to the default by expanding the General Theme Settings section:
To help you go back to the theme defaults yourself, we have provided a color key at the end of this section. The customizer is still an early feature of WordPress , and as such is not perfect. If a color change is not updating in the preview panel, Save and refresh the page.

How to customize your theme

  1. Click AppearanceCustomize
  2. Expand the General Theme Settings section and select No for Use Theme Default Color Scheme?

You will then have access to the following customizable options, with Obox theme options:

  •  Header Color Scheme
  • Sidebar Color Scheme
  • List Pages Color Scheme
  • Posts & Pages Color Scheme
  • Comments Section Color Scheme
  • Footer Color Scheme






List Pages

  1.     Content Container Background
  2.     Section Title Text
  3.     Block Backgrounds
  4.     Block Borders
  5.     Post Titles & Meta
  6.     Post Excerpts
  7.     Pagination Background
  8.     Pagination Borders
  9.     Pagination Background Hover
  10.     Pagination Text Color
  11.     Pagination Label Color


Posts & Pages

  1.  Title Background
  2. Post Titles & Meta Text
  3. Content Background
  4. Borders
  5. Content Text
  6. Content Links
  7. Content Links Hover
  8. Bottom Meta
  9. Bottom Meta Links
  10. Next/Previous Post Links
  11. Next/Previous Post Links Hover
  12. Tags Backround
  13. Tags Link Color
  14. Author Block Text




  1.     Comments Container
  2.     Comments Container Border
  3.     Comment List Background
  4.     Comment List Borders
  5.     Titles & Author Names
  6.     Comments Body
  7.     Meta
  8.     Links
  9.     Form Labels
  10.     Submit Button Text
  11.     Submit Button Background
  12.     Submit Button Background Hover



  1.  Container Background
  2. Container Border
  3. Text Color
  4. Links
  5. Links Hover


When finished customizing, click Save & Publish. You may need to reload the page outside of the customizer to see some changes take effect.

If you have issues seeing changes, clear your browser cache.

Custom CSS

For elements not covered by the Customizer, you can use custom CSS to change just about anything. We offer a Custom Styling area in Theme Options to store your styles, and on individual posts for styling just those posts. This option saves custom CSS in your WordPress database. If your theme files are lost or if you need to reinstall, everything in your database is retained and safe.

  1. Go to Theme OptionsGeneral
  2. Enter or paste your styles into the Custom CSS field in the Custom Styling section. You can grab styles using Inspect Element in your browser.
  3. Click Save

Only copy styles you have changed or will customize into these areas – never copy the entire theme stylesheet as this can impede your theme’s ability to recognize important changes we make in hotfixes and theme updates.

The following articles offer some tips on Custom CSS:


Customizing Fonts

This is covered in the next article, Customize Fonts