
This article outlines your options for advanced support for changing layouts or adding features specific to Obox Themes.

For advanced support, customisation or feature changes to WooCommerce (the shop part of your theme), please head over to WooCommerce support

The Solution

As outlined in our Support Policy, we are happy to provide basic help for CSS and styling questions pertaining to our products, but must set limits when it comes to modification requests, advanced customization, or help for plugins or 3rd party products we did not design.

Advanced Customization includes changing layouts, post-specific customization or styling (such as in The Writer) or any custom css that requires us to figure out, test or develop code that meets your specifications and which is more than a few lines in length.

Modifications are anything that requires a direct edit to the template files, or addition of scripts or features.

Help with Customization

For Advanced Customization, we offer a Premium tier of support aimed at developers or novice designers who need extended CSS assistance. We will also offer advice on template modifictions (but will not develop them for you) if needed. To activate Premium support, visit our Pricing Page and choose Premium. This also includes 1 theme of your choice.

Help With Modification

For assistence with modification, we recommend you contact one of our Approved Theme Modifiers. While this is a fee-based option, developers on our list adhere to a strict quality ruleset and have a demonstrated knowledge of WordPress development and Obox Themes specifically.

Alternatives has a community-driven forum of other users and pros who can provide general help with CSS and child-theme questions for free.

Stackoverflow is a huge community of experts that may be able to assist you with most WordPress code, theming or CSS questions. has a job posting board where you can set a price and post your request for a WordPress pro to help you out if our modifiers are not available in your timeframe or too pricey for your budget.

When using the above solutions, it is important that you frame your question as specifically as possible (ie I would like help with customizing the layout of this page on my site using CSS only) and provide your URL and specifics as to what you want the results to be. Note that the above sites cannot provide support specific to the Theme Options or the theme framework/hooks or anything proprietary to WooCommerce.