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MagPress eCommerce: Configure WooCommerce

Setup WooCommerce

The WooCommerce plugin allows you to setup a full-featured web shop or digital distribution solution to sell your handmade goods, affiliate products, music, multi-media content or services. Visit “Install WooCommerce” if you have not  installed the plugin. It is required for eCommerce functionality in your theme to work.

WooCommerce Support

Our WooCommerce documentation covers basic setup that is specific to the theme. For more information on how to use WooCommerce products, options and settings, including Shipping, Payment and other you-specific settings, please consult their user guide. It goes into great detail in terms of both setup and maintaining your products, shipping, stock, tax and much more.

View the WooCommerce User Guide

The following guides you through optimal settings for using WooCommerce with Obox Themes and pertains to the 2.1 version or later.


  1. Go to WooCommerceSettings
  2. Click the Products tab
  3. Ensure the Product Archive / Shop Page has Shop selected in the pages drop-down.
    • If you do not have this in your dropdown because you skipped setup, you will need to create a shop page or load our demo content, then return to this step.
  4. Scroll down to Product Image Sizes and enter the recommended image dimensions listed at the bottom of this article.
  5. Click the Inventory link at the top under the Products heading
  6. Check Hide Out of Stock Items from Catalog if you are managing inventory and do not want out of stock items to be visible.


  1. Click the Checkout tab
  2. Uncheck Enable guest checkout if you want to capture customer data or enforce tracking/account management
  3. Check Force Secure Checkout if you have installed SSL on your domain
    • Leave Un-force HTTPS when leaving the checkout! unchecked
  4. Select your Cart and Checkout pages created by WooCommerce or our demo content in the corresponding drop-downs.
    • If you do not have this in your dropdown because you skipped setup, you will need to create these pages or load our demo content, then return to this step.
  5. Select a page to use as your Terms and Conditions. This can be any full-width or default page you create under Pages. If you do not have one yet, create one and return to this step.


  1. Click the Accounts tab
  2. Choose the page to use for the My Account Page in the drop-down
    • If you do not have this in your dropdown because you skipped setup, you will need to create these pages or load our demo content, then return to this step.

View the WooCommerce documentation for specifics on configuring Inventory, Shipping and Payment Gateways