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Install & Configure WordPress

IMPORTANT: Don’t use sub-folders as root directories of your website as it can cause some scripts and features of WordPress to fail. If you must install to a sub-directory for technical reasons, you must use this procedure.

CORRECT: http://www.website.com -OR- http://your.website.com

INCORRECT: http://www.website.com/wordpress/ or http://you.website.com/subfolder/

This guide will take you through basic setup and configuration of WordPress on your own web host (also called a “wordpress.org” install). Even if you have WordPress installed, please verify your WordPress settings under step 2 below.

Note for Existing Installations

If you are installing your theme to an existing WordPress installation that already has content, deactivate all plugins prior to activating the theme. Do not reactivate them until you are finished configuring the theme and widgets. This assures you will not run into conflicts or difficulties caused by an incompatible plugin while setting up your theme.

Parts of your content may no longer appear or look the same once you have switched themes. If you were using shortcodes, styles or custom fields specifc to your previous theme, you will need to adjust your content to be compatible with the new theme. Please refer to your previous theme’s documentation or support for details or questions on what you might need to change.

Step 1: Install WordPress

  1. Check out these recommendations for a Secure WordPress installation, and also go through WordPress’ Getting Started guide.
  2. Install WordPress by uploading the contents of the WordPress download folder to your website root. It should look something like this when finished:

  3. Log in to your WordPress admin panel. You will be greeted with the WordPress Welcome page, which includes a tour and some valuable links. If you are new to WordPress, please take some time to go through this information. or visit First Steps With WordPress.

Step 2: Verify WordPress Settings

  1. Go to Settings Permalinks, select anything other than Default and click Save.
  2.  Go to Settings → Reading and ensure Latest Posts is selected. This allows WordPress to use the dynamic homepage layouts.
  3. Go to Settings → Media and ensure the “Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions” under Thumbnail Size  is unchecked
  4. If you used a one-click install from your host, visit your Plugins page and deactivate all plugins before proceeding. You may reactivate them later after your site is setup.