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Social Commerce: Verify WooCommerce Settings

The first step of Social Commerce setup is ensuring WooCommerce is configured for compatibility.


  1. Go to WooCommerceSettings
  2. Click the Products tab, and Display link below the tab.
  3. Ensure both boxes in the ‘Add To Cart Behaviour’ section are Unchecked


Ajax add to cart buttons will break continuity in your Social Commerce shop, as the resulting View Cart link cannot receive the correct URL suffix. If you need this enabled for your main site, disable Add to Cart buttons for the shop view in the Social Commerce options.

Social Commerce: View Cart button opens main site or is not clickable


  1. Go to WooCommerceSettings
  2. Click the Checkout tab, and the Checkout Options link below the tab.
  3. Ensure Force secure checkout’ is Checked


Payments will always take place in a new tab. This is a combination of Facebook policy and Paypal/Payment provider policy. Facebook will not allow URLs that are not your domain to be displayed in the tab, and Paypal will not allow itself to be iFramed. Other payment providers may have similar rules. The Return link in Paypal is also not able to return people to your page tab – you can choose to either set it to return to your Facebook URL, or to your website url.


Click on Social Commerce in your WordPress admin menu to view the Facebook Page Tab Setup checklist and check your settings:


Continue with configuring Social Commerce options →

WooCommerce Support

Our WooCommerce documentation covers basic setup that is specific to the plugin. For more information on how to use WooCommerce products, options and settings, including Shipping, Payment and other you-specific settings, please consult their user guide. It goes into great detail in terms of both setup and maintaining your products, shipping, stock, tax and much more.

View the WooCommerce User Guide