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Handmade: Setup Your Homepage

These instructions are for Handmade 2.0 or “Handmade Two”. If you are still using the original Handmade, you will need to install Handmade Two to ensure compatibility with current plugins and WordPress updates as well as to continue receiving  support.

Handmade  offers three different layouts for your home page.

  • Regular Blog Layout
  • Preset Layout
  • Widget Driven Layout (Advanced)

Select A Home Layout

  1. Go to  Theme Options  and click the Home Layout tab
  2. Click  the layout you wish to use
  3. Configure any options available (See below for details)
  4. Click Save
  5. Go to Settings  →Reading and ensure Latest Posts is selected.

If you plan to use eCommerce, use the Widget-driven layout to access Product widgets.

Blog Layout

The Blog Layout offers your two simple settings:

Post Count

The amount of posts you want to display per page


Use this if you only want one category to be displayed on the home page.

The Blog Layout can be used with or without a slider. The widgets shown on the Homepage sidebar are set by going to Appearance  → Widgets, under the Sidebar box, and are the same widgets that will appear on your category and blog pages. Widgets are explained in detail in Setup Your Widgets

Preset Layout

The Preset Layout  may be used if you are an absolute beginner and do not want the control and customization of the Widget-Driven layout. Below is an explanation of each setting:

Feature Post Gallery

This section controls how your home page gallery appears.

  1. Select a post category from the Category menu, or choose All to display images from all categories.
  2. Select the number of posts in the Post Count field (up to 10)
Three Column

This will display your latest videos or featured images in three columns under the featured post gallery.

  1. Select the category you would like to use, or select Exclude to hide this section.
  2. Select a number of posts you would like it to display from the Post Count menu.
  3. If you prefer to use thumbnails for video posts rather than have tiny videos appear, select Post Feature Image from the Thumbnails menu, otherwise choose Videos.
  4. Select whether to show post dates
  5. Select whether to show excerpts. If set to No, only the title, date and image/video will appear
Two Column

This will display your latest videos or featured images in two columns.

  1. Select the category you would like to use, or select Exclude to hide this section.
  2. Select a number of posts you would like it to display from the Post Count menu.
  3. If you prefer to use thumbnails for video posts rather than have tiny videos appear, select Post Feature Image from the Thumbnails menu, otherwise choose Videos.
  4. Select whether to show post dates
  5. Select whether to show excerpts. If set to No, only the title, date and image/video will appear

Click Save Changes when done

Widget Driven Layout (Recommended)

The aim of widget driven layout is to give you much more control over your Home page, and is recommended for most setups. By using widgets you will be able to determine exactly how much content, and the type of content, that is displayed.

With the widget-driven layout active, go to Appearance → Widgets  or Appearance → Customize to setup the widgets. Each panel is explained in the next article, Configure Your Widgets.