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Handmade: SEO Options

Some of our older themes come with a built-in SEO Options panel for adding custom meta titles, keywords and descriptions to your posts. These options are not present in newer Obox Themes due to changes and advancements in WordPress and Search Engines that make them unnecessary. If you would like advanced control over SEO, we recommend downloading and installing the official WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast, which you can grab under PluginsAdd New. (Obox SEO must be disabled for themes that have it if you use a plugin instead)

Configure or disable Obox SEO

  1. Go to Theme OptionsSEO Options
  2. Select whether to enable or disable OCMX SEO. Select No if you have an SEO plugin installed.
  3. Enter a custom character to use as the separator between items. The Pipe is used by default.
    • Example: Site Title | Post Title
  4. Enter a Site-Wide title. This custom title will appear in the Title bar of the browser on all pages and be appended to post titles, etc
  5. Enter custom site keywords. See Google's advice on meta keyword selection.
  6. Enter a Site Description. This appears in search engine listings and social networks where a post or page excerpt is not present. Keep it under 160 characters.
  7. Click Save Changes

OCMX SEO Post Options

In standard posts and some custom post types, the OCMX SEO Options panel is found right below your theme's Options panel under the post editor and should be expanded by default. Here you can enter a custom title, keywords and description (excerpt) for your post to tailor how it displays in search engines. Title For example, say you have an article covering a recent concert in your area. You may want to keep the post title trim and concise in WordPress: Lady Gaga Has Done It Again But for SEO, you might want to add the City, Venue and your name in the title for added ranking: Lady Gaga Hs Done It Again - Wimbleton Stadium, London, June 18 Keywords are typically identical to Tags, but can cover a wider range if you have a tightly controlled list of tags for your site. The Description or excerpt should contain a brief intro/description of the article that is less than 160 characters.
Note that this will NOT affect how your posts appear in Facebook. Facebook draws directly from WordPress to determine title and excerpt and will not use your SEO data in most cases.