Have you seen Elementor?

Our flagship product, Layers has been acquired by the team at Elementor.

With a powerful, fast page builder, Elementor is the best way to get your site online with as little effort as possible.

Foundation: Create Your Content

Before you can really get started with setting up your site, you first need to add content to WordPress. Without content, you won’t be able to fill out your widgets or see how theme templates look.

There are a number of different content types that you can create with this theme:

  • Standard Posts
  • Team Members
  • Services
  • Features
  • Portfolios
  • Partners
  • Testimonials
  • Sliders

Each of these content items have a widget where you can display the posts in a special format on the homepage or a widgetized page template.

Because this theme is designed to be a single-scrolling site, widget content, with the exception of posts, does not link except where a custom link option is available (slider buttons, partners, widget titles)

You have two options for creating content for initially setting up your theme. You may load our Demo Content file to see how things work before adding your own, or you may add a few test posts of the types you plan to use yourself. Detailed instructions on adding each content type are covered on the following articles. We recommend going through them at least once so you understand how the post options impact your post appearance.

Demo Content

If you prefer to pre-load our demo content into your theme to get a head start, you may use our demo content file below.
The demo file cannot setup the theme or widgets for you, so please continue with the setup documentation to learn how to master your theme. For best results, do not edit existing demo product posts with your own data- create your own from scratch! Your products need to be configured with your own tax, SKU, slugs and other specific data you do not want carried over from our shop!
To use this file:
  1. Right-click the below link and choose Save File As or your browser equivalent
  2. Unzip the downloaded file to find the foundation_demo-content.xml file
  3. Go to Tools Import and click WordPress
  4. If prompted to install the plugin, follow the steps to install and activate.
  5. Browse to the foundation_demo-content.xml file and click Upload and Import.
  6. You will be prompted to import authors and users from our demo site. Select your name from each drop-down to assign posts to yourself so these users are not creted on your setup.
  7. Click the "Download and import file attachments" box to attempt to import our demo images.
Please note that your server may not allow uploads from remote servers and the image imports will fail, in which case you will need to upload your own featured images to the posts. Photos in our demo content cannot be reused in a design for sale or any commercial purpose and may not be included in your theme license. The demo content available for download may vary from what you see on our sales demo.

Download Demo XML

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