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Foundation Content: Partners

The Partners post type is great for showcasing a single set of excerpts, logos or thumbnails in a simple column layout. This is the only post type that accepts a custom link. The custom link you set in each post determines where the click on the homepage takes your visitor. Partners are displayed in the Partners widget, but may also be linked to individually from your menu like a standard page.

Add Partners :

  1. Click PartnersAdd Partners
  2. Add the name to the Title field. Example: Nike
  3. Click Browse in the Partners Options panel to upload a featured image. This will set the WordPress featured image automatically.
    • Images should ideally be at least 660 pixels wide with the subject centered, and all the same height for a uniform look. They will be scaled automatically depending on the number of columns you choose in the widget. If you do not plan to allow your single partner posts to be seen, images should be at least 350px wide.
  4. Enter any url in the Link field.
    • See the Anchor Links article for help with linking to other sections within the homepage
  5. Select a Category
  6. Enter a number into the Order field to specify which position this service should appear in with 1 being first/on top. You may optionally leave all at 0 and WordPress will decide how to order the posts. Order may also be entered from the main Services post list in your admin area by clicking Quick Edit on the post.
  7. Click Publish