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Clean Cut Content: Create a Blog or Category Page

General: Create a Blog or Category Page

There are two ways to create post archives – by categories or formats ,  or by using a page template if your theme has a blog page template.

Using a Page Template

If your theme comes with a Blog Page template, you will already have a Blog page after loading the demo content. To create one yourself:

  1. Click on Pages →Add New
  2. Add a Title
  3. Select the Blog page template from the Page Template drop-down at right. If your theme does not have a Blog template, you must use categories or formats.
  4. Click Publish
  5. Visit your Theme Options to set any layout or sidebar setting for the blog (in newer themes, this is under the Site Layout tab)

If you do not have a Blog template, proceed with the Category or Format options:


This layout is created automatically based on post categories and displays the standard “blog” style archive with large images and a post excerpt with a sidebar where available. See the Posts content article for advice on setting up your categories. For best results, use one parent category like Blog, then create several children categories for each topic. When the Blog category is viewed, it shows all recent posts, which your users may then filter by subcategory using the sidebar or menu.

  1. Go to Appearance →Menus
  2. Add your categories to the menu by checking them in the Category box on the lower-left side. If you created a parent Blog category, you can add this parent category to display all posts from all sub-categories assigned to it.
    • You may need to click View All to view all your categories.
  3. Click Add to Menu, then drag into the desired position and click Save.


Alternatively, you may create a custom menu with just your subcategories in it, then use the Custom Menu Widget in your sidebar to display the blog subcategories.

See the Add Your Menus article for full instructions on building your menus


If your theme supports post formats, you may alternatively create an archive page to display all posts of a specific format by checking the format under the Format box on the lower-left. If you do not see a format box, click Screen Options in the upper-right, and check the Format option.

Condensed Date-based Archives

To create a condensed archive of all posts, view your theme’s Create an Archives Page article.