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Ambition Content: Galleries

The Galleries post type is used to create individual albums, or collections of images, to create one complete Gallery. Use this post type for showcasing creative works, professional work, snapshots or products and displaying them in a gallery format. Each post is treated like one album containing multiple images, with one image used to represent the album “cover.”

View the Gallery demo

Create your Gallery  posts:

  1. Click on GalleryAdd Gallery Item
  2. Add a title, and optionally add any text you wish to appear on your main gallery page.
  3. Click on Browse in the Gallery Options panel below the post editor and add a main image. This image is used as the album cover on the main gallery page to represent this post and will set your WordPress Featured Image automatically.
  4. Click the Add Media button above the post editor to open the media manager
  5. Click the Upload Files link, then Select Files to add the remaining gallery images. When they finish uploading, edit the details of each image on the right side, such as title and alt text, etc.  Do not insert the images into the post.
    • Note: You cannot add images to a gallery that are already in your media library. If you need to do this, download and activate the “Unattach and Re-Attach Media” plugin, then attach the images to your gallery post using the Media Library area of your admin panel.
  6. Add the post to a category and click Publish. See below for an explanation of how you can use categories.

Gallery Categories

The main gallery page displays the featured image or “album cover” for each of your Gallery posts, and also creates a sub-menu of your categories. Categories divide your gallery posts into groups, disciplines or any other sub-section you can think of. Multiple Galleries may belong to one category, separate categories, or just one big category – it is up to you. The categories show across the top of the page. Clicking a link or the image on the main gallery page will bring you to the category page, which shows thumbnails of each album or gallery post that has been assigned to that category.

Gallery Page = Collage of featured images from all galleries

  • Category page = Index of galleries within that category
    • Gallery post = collage of images attached to the single gallery post, plus any text you add.

To add categories, go to Gallery Add Gallery Category.

Add your Gallery Page (You only need to do this once)

  1. Go to Pages Add New and create a page for your gallery.
  2. Select the Gallery template from the Page Template drop-down on the right side.
  3. Click Publish
  4. Go to Appearance Menus and add the page to your menu.