
This error occurs on a white page when you attempt to access the plugin or theme settings page from the WordPress admin

The Solution

  1. Ensure you are following the full process to access the page and are not using a bookmark or shortcut (Login to WordPress and click on the Theme Options or plugin link on the left-hand navigation menu)
  2.  If you have any plugins installed that modify your WordPress Admin or user roles, temporarily deactivate them and try again
  3. If you are on a WordPress Multi-user install, ensure you have full Admin rights. For plugins such as Obox Mobile and Social Commerce, the plugin may need to be installed and configured at the network level.
  4. If you have modified the theme or plugin, make a backup of your modifications and then reinstall using a fresh unmodified copy and verify access now works.

Check your wp_config.php or any modified functions file for customized functions that modify user roles. The following in particular will impede access to several features in the WP admin:

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);