The Solution

 Themes with Self-Hosted Video support provide basic functionality for serving up your own videos via the bundled jPlayer video player. Self-hosted video is not recommended for novice users. Self-hosted videos may require your file to be converted into two formats, with one being an mp4.

  • You will need at least one version of your video in the mp4 format. You can do this in any modern video editing software, or use a website such as this one
  • Use videos of 480p or higher. They may be viewed on large desktop screens (1920 pixels wide) and smaller videos will pixelate if not HD.
  • The video files, if more than one, must have the same name, ie video1.mp4 and video1.ogv
  1. Click the Add Media button above the post editor
  2. Browse to your video file and upload. When complete, click to select the Mp4 and copy the File URL from the right side of the media manager screen, then close the Media Library
    1. Some WordPress installs have a 2MB upload limit, so if your files are large, upload them via FTP and enter the full URL to the file (ie
  3. Paste this URL into the self-hosted video .MP4 field in the theme options panel under the post editor.
  4. Repeat if you are offering a fallback format such as WebM or OGV and paste the second URL into the second field.

Please see the jPlayer site for important information on Browser and Mobile limitations around self-hosted video.

Learn more about HTML5 video formats here.

Customizing the Player

jPlayer may be customized with different skins and options. We are not able to provide in-depth customization assistance on modding jPlayer, so please refer to the jPlayer customization guide.