The Solution

These instructions pertain to Obox Themes only. If you need to update Layers or a Layers Child Theme, see How to Update Layers.

If you need to update a plugin, go to How to Update Your Plugin

Check Your Version

  1. Go to AppearanceThemes and look at the theme version next to the thumbnail
  2. Go to the Updates page on this site and read each update post since your version so you understand what will change and if you need to take any action

Backup Your Data

Updating will not impact your content, plugins or existing settings, but it may introduce new features or fixes that change a setting, reset it, or remove it. These are usually outlined in the Update notes linked above.We recommend WP-BackitUp for a full site backup, or the Widget Importer and Exporter plugin if you just want to backup your widget configuration.

If you Modified The Theme Files

Updating will completely overwrite your theme and any modifications you may have made to the style.css or templates. This is standard in WordPress theming. If you have modified the theme directly or have Custom CSS in the theme options, back it up. After updating, move your modified code into a child theme, using new versions of the templates (never restore old theme files into a new version!) See How to Modify Your Theme the Right Way


Download the Updated Version

If your version is behind the latest published version on the Updates page, you need to update.

  1. Go to your Themes page here on Obox.
  2. Locate your theme and click Download Theme
    • If this is the first time visiting this page and you bought your theme on Themeforest, click Home in the Dashboard sidebar and click the Themeforest icon to enter your license key
    • If your theme is not listed, ensure you have an active license. Updates are available for 1 year from the date of purchase unless you purchase additional support. Note that purchasing support does NOT guarantee an update is available for your theme or that we will fix issues with a retired theme – if you are unsure, please ask us.

Update Manually

Follow the Quick Method outlined in How to Reinstall Your Theme

Problems Updating?

No matter how careful you are or how closely you follow the directions, sometimes things just go horribly wrong. In most cases, reinstalling the theme with a fresh copy will solve any issues related to updating.