Have you seen Elementor?
Our flagship product, Layers has been acquired by the team at Elementor.
With a powerful, fast page builder, Elementor is the best way to get your site online with as little effort as possible.
This section covers the following:
IMPORTANT: If you downloaded your theme from Themeforest:
Do not attempt to upload the Themeforest/Code Canyon zip file to WordPress! Unzip the file downloaded from Themeforest to find the Theme Zips folder. This folder contains the actual theme file, called photogenic_single.zip. (Example:photogenic_single.zip or photogenic_single.zip).
Installing via WordPress
Note: If you are not running the latest version of WordPress, please update under
→ - Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to and click at the top
- Click the Upload Theme link at the top
- Click the Browse button inside the center white box and navigate to the location of your photogenic_single.zip file. Select the file and click Open.
- Click Install Now to begin the installation.
- Wait for the success message, then click the link.
Installing via FTP
- Unzip the photogenic_single.zip to your Desktop (or any easy-to-find location) to find the theme folder, ie "photogenic"
- If you are on a Mac and you are seeing a _single extension on the folder, open that folder to find the actual theme folder!
- Connect to your web space using an FTP client and browse to wp-content/themes
- Drag the theme folder from your computer into the themes directory. The following example shows thephotogenic theme folder on the left and the remote server's themes folder on the right.
- Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to →
- Locate the theme thumbnail and click the Activate button
When your theme is first installed, the homepage will look blank or be missing a layout.
You will need to add some content and setup widgets and menus to get your website to look like the demo. Continue with this guide for detailed help.