Have you seen Elementor?

Our flagship product, Layers has been acquired by the team at Elementor.

With a powerful, fast page builder, Elementor is the best way to get your site online with as little effort as possible.

Motion Picture: Setup Your Home Page

Motion Picture offers two homepage layouts:

  • Blog Layout
  • Widget Driven Layout

To select a Home layout:

  1. Go to Theme Options and click on the Site Layout tab
  2. Click the icon for the layout you want to use.
  3. Configure any options available
  4. Click Save
  5. Go to SettingsReading and ensure Latest Posts is selected.

Blog Layout

The Blog Layout offers you two simple settings:

Post Count

The amount of posts you want to display per page


Use this if you only want one category to be displayed on the home page.

Widget Driven Layout

The aim of widget driven layout is to give you much more control over your home page layout, content and widget options. By using widgets you will be able to determine exactly how much content, and the type of content, that is displayed.

Once active you will need to go to AppearanceWidgets in order to add the correct widgets to the correct areas. Widgets are explained in detail in the next section Configure Your Widgets