
  • We have added a call to the custom.css file by default. Please use the Custom CSS panel in Theme Options if at all possible as it is more reliable and gets backed up in your database.
  • Styling support added to the Features Widget
  • Added helper text in typography manager so you have a better idea which elements will be affected
  • Color options added to the WordPress Customizer for changing blog/interior page colors.
  • Added styling for the Obox Popular Posts widget
  • Social sharing and meta may now be turned off for pages separately from posts

General Fixes

  • Removed erroneous access to Adverts panel.
  • Fixed Typography classes and removed variables – this is set using the Customizer
  • Fixed typo manager panel width for WP 3.8
  • Ghost Obox Advert widget will no longer appear in the widget admin
  • Fixed condition on comments so old comments still show if comments are disabled on a single post after it is published

Update Your Theme or Apply Manually