
Customers who purchased an Obox subscription prior to March 18th, 2014 may have been eligible for a free theme. If you did not claim this prior to our platform and pricing changes, you will not be able to claim the bonus in our new system.

This document relates to Obox customers only. Themeforest purchases do not qualify for bonus themes.

The Solution

  1. Click on Contact Support at the bottom of this page
  2. Select your main theme from the product drop down
  3. Let us know you were unable to claim your free theme prior to our new platform release on March 18th, 2014 and that you would like a theme added to your account. Please specify which theme you would like. Please note we can only add themes that were released as of the 18th.


To access your themes

  1. Click on Dashboard in the upper-right of our site (My Forum Posts from this page)
  2. Click on Themes in the right sidebar