
This is typically due to a problem with your SSL certificate.

The Solution

  1. Make sure you are on the latest version of Social Commerce
  2. Go to Social Commerce in your WordPress admin menu and ensure all checks are green OR if the tab is added already, remove, ensure checks are green, and re-add it.
  3. Ensure the URL for your images is secure. All images used on your shop need to be hosted on the same domain as WooCommerce, or your host must assist you with URL masking any CDN services such as Amazon Cloudfront or Cloudflare URLs.
  4. WordPress 4.4 introduced a new image sizing feature that unfortunately does not support SSL urls but should only manifest itself if you try viewing your shop through the browser on a tablet. This will be fixed in WordPress 4.5. See WordPress: Images Don’t Load After 4.4 Update With SSL Enabled for more information.