This is a major update that prepares Ambition for WordPress 3.6, adds several features, improves functionality and updates core components. If your theme is modded or you are using a child theme, we strongly recommend you view the file list detail linked below, or use Git to review our changes in order to comfortably move your mods into the new version.

Due to the size of this update, it is recommended that you do a full reinstall of the theme.

Actions You Will Need to Take

Once updated successfully to 1.3.0:

  1. Visit Theme Options and review the new options.
  2. Visit Appearance → Widgets and check out the new Content Widget. This widget displays any content type using standard formats. Continue using the post type widgets for specially formatted display of content.
  3. Reset your Twitter widget settings. The new Twitter Timeline now requires an account-specific widget code.
  4. Review the new options on all homepage widgets. See below for details on what has changed/been added
  5. Edit your Events page, if you have one, and select a sort order in the Page Options panel.
  6. Go to Plugins → Add New and search for Regenerate Thumbnails. Install the first option and activate (skip this if you already have it)
  7. Run the plugin under Tools → Regen Thumbnails.

Theme Option Updates

  • Post Options: Added choice between full content or excerpts for the blog templates
  • Soundcloud added to social links in header options
  • Post Meta now includes option for category and next/previous post links
  • Auto-generate thumbnails for oEmbed now specifically affects category pages, blog template and archives template

Template Updates

  • Blog templates improved pagination support
  • Blog templates now support More tag when Show Content is selected in Theme Options
  • Blog templates now show oEmbed thumbnails for video posts if enabled in Theme Options
  • Added sorting option to event page template
  • Comments now align properly on Events posts
  • Images and videos in the post body will now be limited by the post width
  • Events page template now has a sorting option in the Page Options panel, which allows you to set the order posts appear in the list.
  • Height limit has been removed from Team page template images to keep heads from beign chopped off portrait images
  • Manual ordering (menu_order) is now supported in all custom post types, allowing you to manually order the posts in the list/category pages for those post types
  • Widgetized page template now supports showing any content you enter into the page editor above the widgets.
  • The post and page editor now reflects theme styling when you are creating posts for easier formatting

Widget Updates

  • “About Me” widget has been renamed to (Obox) Page Widget and now supports showing full page content. To continue to show excerpts, enter an excerpt into the Excerpt box on the page editor for whatever page is shown in the widget.
  • Soundcloud widget has been renamed to Latest Audio
  • Added custom button text/link to Home Page widgets
  • Content Widget has been revamped – now has improved styling, supports up to 6 columns and all post types with sorting options.
  • Helper text updated in Home Page widgets
  • Events widget now supports sorting ASC or DESC
  • Audio widget now supports showing more than one post. Note this widget will only display “audio” format posts, regardless of the category you select.
  • Video widget improved styling – related videos will now only show video format posts.
  • Video widget – Added Show/Hide excerpts and hide button
  • Social Links widget with full range of networks added as alterntive to header links
  • Twitter widget updated to use the new Twitter Timeline

Visit the Theme Documentation for details on new widget options


  • Added borders to customizer
  • Added missing elements to customizer for better eCommerce styling

You may need to visit your customizer to reset/review some color options due to this change.


  • Demo store notice now appears as a ribbon across the top as intended
  • Shop loop has been updated
  • Price styling adjusted on variable products for better alignment
  • Improved responsiveness for portrait/retina tablets and handhelds

Core Updates

  • Responsive styling improved for retina/portrait tablets
  • Improved localization support
  • Updated depreciated code
  • Cleaned up debug errors
  • Updated oEmbed – front-end errors will be suppressed and image skipped if no connection can be made to vimeo. Click Update on your oembed posts to refresh the thumbnail anytime a default one is pulled in.
  • Updated OpenGraph support
  • Streamlined script and stylesheet enques
  • Removed depreciated google shortlink code, ajax comment code and unused ocmx gallery code
  • Updated image/video handling
  • Removed extra image sizes – you must run Regenerate Thumbnails to avoid image size/quality issues
  • Updated PressTrends

Update Your Theme or Download Update (requires login)