General Enhancements:

  • Styles are now enqueued for faster loading
  • Added Obox Facebook widget
  • Improved styling for mobile views
  • Support for new networks in Social Links widget

General Fixes

  • Sidebars previously called by number are now using ids. This will reduce conflicts wiht existing database data and plugins but will move all existing widgets to the Inactive Sidebar. Please visit Appearance – Widgets to drag your widgets from the lower-left Inactive area to their original panels.
  • Home Page and Home Page 3 Column widgets will now appear in correct positions when Blog Style home is used (Home above, 3col below)
  • Theme Options menus are now accessible to anyone with the manage_options capability
  • Removed check_allow_ocmx throwing mysql errors on setup
  • Fixed depreciated tags for WP 2.2

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