This is a major update that includes changes to oEmbed, SEO and OpenGraph. Please backup your existing theme before updating and ensure your current version is 2.1.5 before applying this update!

General Enhancements:

  • Sort options added to Slider (sort by random, manual, date, etc)
  • Added Custom Title Link field to home page widgets, which allows you to set your own title links to a page or category.
  • Updated Obox SEO – will now use main or by-post settings with a fallback to WordPress defaults.
  • Updated OpenGraph & Added theme option for default site graphic.
  • Updated oEmbed – front-end errors will now be suppressed if oEmbed cannot connect to the video host.
  • Updated Social widget – now lists popular first, then alphabetical in widget options. Added Soundcloud, Kickstarter, Flickr and more
  • Updated script loading and moved stylesheets to enqueues.

General Fixes

  • Cleanup backend debug errors
  • Updated depreciated code
  • Fixed pagination in archives template
  • Archives template code updated
  • Fixed sidebar markup – widgets should be less likely to break sidebar now
  • Full width and post image sizes adjusted

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