This is a m,ajor update that adds increased compatibility for Codestyling Localization and WordPress 3.5+. We strongly recommend you reinstall the theme using a full download of 1.5.0 from your purchase profile, as the size of the update may cause merge issues on some installs when using the updater.

Actions you need to take after updating

This update changes how your images are handled and adds several features. Please go through the following after updating:

  1. Run the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to ensure your images size to the new theme parameters.
  2. Visit your Theme Optiions > Home Layout tab to verify your home layout settings
  3. Visit Theme Options to verify your Post Meta options
  4. When creating posts, you may now use the oEmbed Video URL field for setting featured videos. This will generate thumbnails automatically in widgets where you select to show thumbnails
  5. Go to Appearance > Widgets and verify your widget settings. Your Social Links and Twitter widget may need to be deleted and re-added, and the options re-saved.

General Enhancements:

  • Improved localization support
  • Removed timthumb dependency
  • updated timthumb script for security/backwards compatibility
  • Added post meta theme options to allow toggling of comment links, tags, author, etc
  • New welcome page contains quick setup guide and links to theme documentation and demo content
  • Updated Twitter widget, now supports retweets and replies
  • Updated social links widget with new look and more networks
  • Improved self-hosted video support
  • Added oEmbed support. You may now set featured videos using any oEmbed provider URL
  • Updated script enqueues
  • Added three column widget and more options to preset homepage layout
  • More options in three-column widget allow excerpt control and how thumbnails appear

General Fixes

  • Removed twitter and subscribe from comments
  • Slider will now only show excerpts to avoid breaking layout
  • Updated depreciated tags

Update Your Theme or Download Update (requires login)