This version updates OpenGraph and oEmbed. Resave your video posts to refresh your oEmbed thumbnails if they have changed since the last update.

If you use the Preset HomePage Layout, this update will reset some options. Please visit the Home Layout page to review the new options and reset your Content Column section.

General Enhancements:

  • Improved support for oEmbed (now recognizes share URLs to reduce user error)
  • wmode-transparent will now be automatically appended to all video urls to fix overlay issues in the slider when Flash video is shown
  • Theme Option added to allow setting a custom image for Facebook shares if no featured image is found
  • Added options to the Preset Homepage Layout to support new order option and Content Widget layout.

General Fixes

  • Improved gettext
  • debug error cleanup
  • Updated depreciated functions
  • Removed google shortlink function
  • Removed timthumb
  • If you were missing the updated portfolio layout, this update adds it
  • Fixed an issue with the color style backgrounds not loading

Update Your Theme or  Download Update