This update adds increased compatibility with WordPress 3.5, adds a couple requested features, and fixes a few issues.

Actions You Need To Take

After updating, visit your Theme Options to select your Full Posts or Excerpts? setting, and verify your Post Meta options, then visit the Widgets page to verify your widget settings. You will specifically need to reset your social links and Twitter widgets. Please view the Depth documentation for details on each widget option.

General Enhancements:

  • New welcome page adds quick tips and links to theme documentation and demo content
  • Improved gettext/translation support
  • New theme option allows you to choose between full post content or excerpts in your blog and category pages
  • Improved oEmbed and Self-Hosted video support
  • New slider widget options for more control over how excerpts appear
  • New social links widget supports more networks
  • New theme option for disabling comment subscriptions

General Fixes

  • Archive widget title now shows
  • Fixed styling for small adverts – now sits in 2 columns
  • Twitter widget count fixed
  • Removed Twitter from comments
  • Search results now look like general archives

Update Your Theme or Download Update (requires login)