
Using product labels to promote products in your online store serves the same purpose. However, with an eCommerce store, these label needs to work extra hard. Why? Customers can’t exactly physically feel the product.

Here’s how the Woocommerce Badge Management extension can help boost sales for your online store.


This tutorial uses the Woocommerce Badge Management extension to enhance the capabilities of WooCommerce.

Get the Woocommerce Badge Management extension by YITH 

The Solution

If you’re walking in a mall or past a few stores, what lures you to take a peek inside the store? Likely the ‘For Sale’ signs that are plastered on the windows that scream 50% off.

Using product labels to promote products in your online store serves the same purpose. However, with an eCommerce store, these label needs to work extra hard. Why? Customers can’t exactly physically feel the product.

They’re relying on the image and information to help make the decisions. With the help of advanced labels, you can usher them along with the buying experience and improve your Click Through Rate.

What are advanced products labels?

Advanced product labels is an extension that helps you attract attention from the customer to the product. You can provide extra information that you think will be appealing (‘free shipping’ or ‘bestseller’). With each label, you can target specific groups of products with certain conditions.

How to use product labels

The UX of your eCommerce website may be set up well to help your customers navigate, but the important part is adding something that will catch their eye. Instead of opting for neon signs, a simple, well-designed product label will do.

Boost a specific product

Placing a label on a product you’d like to product will intrigue your customers. The trick is the wording. Try something like “bestseller” or “low stock” to gain their attention. The idea is to create a buyer’s envy and FOMO.

Introduce your new products

As soon as new products arrive, it’s not enough to just add them to the top of the list. Adding a label will help boost your customers’ interest. The text could read “new” or “just arrived”.

Promote sales

Buyers love a good sale, even if they don’t need the product – they’ll come running. If you’re ushering in new products and looking to discard some old stock, adding an “on sale” sign will help with the Click-Through Rates.

Free shipping

Besides a good sale, online shoppers also love the words “free shipping”. Adding this label to certain products will intrigue your customers enough for them to find out more.

Showcase your bestsellers

Have a popular product in store and looking to gain a new market? Promoting your bestsellers may help.

Different types of labels

Global labels: Global labels are used if you want to promote multiple products within your store.

Single labels: Labels created in the product edit screen

How to install promotion labels

The Woocommerce Badge Management extension is easy to install and to configure:

  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Click install now and then activate the extension.

To configure the settings is easy: head into settings > product labels.