
When attempting to upload a theme package, you may see this error:

“The parent theme could not be found. You will need to install the parent theme before you can use this child theme.””

The Solution

This error occurs when the child theme package cannot find the parent theme. Either it is not installed, or the folder name has been changed.

  1. Verify the parent theme is installed and visible on the Appearance Themes page. Visit your Theme Documentation for installation steps
  2. If you downloaded the theme from Themeforest, unzip the download file and ensure you are uploading your
  3. If the issue persists, connect to your server via FTP and go to the wp-content/themes folder.
  4. Ensure your theme folders have the correct names. If they are wrong, rename them.
    • gigawatt and gigawatt-ecommerce
    • handmade and handmade e-commerce
    • cleancut and cleancut-ecommerce
    • magpress and magpress-ecommerce
  5. If the ecommerce theme is not in the themes folder, unzip the to find the ecommerce folder described above and upload it to wp-content/themes.
  6. Return to the Themes page and activate the child theme.