The Solution

Many of our older themes came with a simple SEO options panel for setting the site name and description, as well as adding a panel to your posts for entering an alternative post title.  These options are extremely simple and will only affect the following:


  • Browser Title = Custom Title
  • Keywords =  Custom Site Keywords
  • Description = Custom Site Description


  • Browser Title =  Custom Title & Post Title
  • Keywords = Custom Post SEO Keywords or else Site Keywords, defaulting to Post keywords if both are blank
  • Description = Custom SEO Post description or else Site Description, defaulting to the WordPress excerpt if both are blank.

There is no support for Categories, Tags or other custom archives.


Setting an SEO title in a post using Obox Options will not change it in Facebook when a post is shared, for example – these two actions are not related. All themes do have OpenGraph support for Facebook, tailored to work well with the theme’s Like button. Plugins that add OpenGraph wil conflict with the theme.


For advanced SEO options and support in your theme, several plugins exist with a wide array of options such as WordPress SEO or All In One SEO. Review your options  under Plugins → Add New by searching for “SEO” and clicking Details on the results to see what each plugin offers.


Important notes about WordPress SEO by Yoast:

This plugin has been known to increase site load times significantly for sites with a large amount of content. This is due to the time it takes WordPress to rewrite all the titles and URLs using your custom SEO settings. If you notice long load times with this plugin enabled, please report it to the plugin author on the plugin support page.

Disable OpenGraph

If you are using a theme from our current catalog, it already has support for Facebook Opengraph – the code that passes your featured image and excerpts to Facebook. To avoid duplication of this information in your header, you need to ensure WordPress SEO Social settings tab has OpenGraph disabled.