

The offset border is intentional, and creates the expected design style when the background is white (default). When you use the default color scheme, but change the background color, this offset becomes visible.

The Solution

You can change it or hide it by using one of the following custom styles.

Custom CSS

Add custom CSS in one of the following ways:

Theme Options (recommended)

This option saves custom CSS in your WordPress database. If your theme files are lost or if you need to reinstall, everything in your database is retained and safe. Older themes may not have this option.

  1. Go to Theme Options → General
  2. Enter or pates your styles into the Custom CSS field
  3. Click Save

custom.css stylesheet

This option may be easier to manage for advanced designers, but does require backup and maintenance if the theme files need to be reinstalled for any reason.

  1. Go to Appearance Editor
  2. Click the custom.css link in the lower-right corner
  3. Enter or paste your codes on a blank link below any existing text
  4. Click Update File

.portfolio-category-title {
    border-bottom: 3px solid #000000;

Change #000000 to the color of your background, or to hide it, use thr following instead:

.portfolio-category-title {
    border-bottom: 0px;

For non-portfolio pages:

.post-title{border-bottom: 3px solid #000;}