
This article relates to standard responsive themes with or without WooCommerce support.

If you are using Obox Mobile, please head over to Theme Documentation and click Obox Mobile 2 for help with enabling or disabling mobile mode.

The Solution

Both the theme and WooCommerce are responsive by design, so that responsiveness cannot be disabled or removed very easily. A great deal of testing and research goes into mobile design and responsiveness, and the techniques we use are pretty commonplace nowadays. The purpose is to scale down content and provide an easier and more readable eperience for mobile visitors, especially those on a 2G/3G connection. If you sell anything through your site, this is doubly important – it is extremely hard to navigate and use Store on a mobile screen without some level of responsiveness.

You can customize aspects of the mobile view you don’t like or want to adjust with Custom CSS to a degree. The following provides some tips:

How to Customize the Mobile View in Responsive Themes