The Solution

Azione is designed to display a full-width video on single posts to support HD videos. If you need the video to be smaller and the sidebar to move up, you can attempt the following modification.


Option 1: Use oEmbed Thumbs and CSS (safe option)

This option uses oEmbed to generate thumbnails for your posts, and inserts the video into the post body, then uses CSS to hide the featured video on posts. Note that this method does NOT display Likes or Views.

  1. Ensure AutoGenerate Thumbnails is enabled in Theme Options
  2. When creating your post, use the oEmbed url in the Video URL field to generate the thumbnail OR upload your own featured image and skip he video url field.
  3. Add your video URL to the post body using the WordPress default embed shortcode.
    • Example(remove spaces inside shortcode box):
      [ embed ][/ embed ]
  4. Add the following to the Custom CSS field in Theme Options:
.single .post-image{display: none;}
.single .copy iframe {max-height: 360px;}

Option 2: Modify the Featured Video Container

This is a Mod

This is considered a modification, so do it at your own risk! Make a backup of your existing file so you can replace it if something goes wrong and you need to start over.  Modified files WILL probably be replaced by a theme update at some point so keep note of your changes for future reference or see our guides below. Please note that we cannot assist you with modifying your theme or support problems you encounter as a result!

If you are modifying a theme as part of a client project, the following are really important!

How to Modify Your Theme the Right Way

How to Track Update Changes and Maintain Modifications

  1. In fetch-post.php, move lines 100-101 to line 44 under “<!–Begin HD Container –>”. You can access this file offline or via the Appearance Editor.
        <li id="left-column">
  2. You should now have:
    <!--Begin HD Container -->
        <li id="left-column">
            <div id="hd-container">
  3. Go to Theme Options  and add the following to the Custom CSS field:
    .single  #left-column{width: 680px;}
    .single .post-image iframe{max-width: 720px; max-height: 360px;}