
If you have a theme installed prior to our site migration on March 18th, 2014, your updater may display this error when you attempt to update.

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, ‘<‘ not found in wp-contentthemeskneadocmxincludesupdate_theme.php on line 51


The Solution

This is due to our site changes. To update the theme, you need to download the latest version from your Obox Dashboard. If you do not see your themes there, ensure your Themeforest License Key or purchase code has been linked (go to the main Dashboard page to view options).

Reinstall the theme manually via FTP (safe method), or by deleting and reinstalling it via the WordPress Appearance > Themes page.

How to reinstall your theme to fix fatal errors, unsynched updates or problems accessing your admin panel