This update includes two major changes:


Beginning with this update, there will no longer be partial updates. Please backup prior to applying new theme versions and ensure all modifications are safely housed within a child theme. Modifications made to core templates such as header.php must be moved into the new version of the files and your child theme updated to avoid merge errors!

Infinite Scroll

Updated support for JetPack Infinite Scroll has been reintroduced. Infinite Scroll was removed previously as it was bugged in JetPack and was breaking other functionality in the theme. Infinite Scroll is now available on the homepage/default post archives and category views. The static page templates such as Blog and Archives will remain traditionally paginated. This is to allow mixed functionality for sites that require it. See the setup guide for more information.


General Fixes

  • Offsite resources such as script libraries and fonts are now loaded using SSL compatible prefix
  • Fixed spacing issue in post meta
  • Removed duplicate script call

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