Beginning with this update, there will no longer be partial updates. Please backup prior to applying new theme versions and ensure all modifications are safely housed within a child theme. Modifications made to core templates such as header.php must be movd into the new version of the files and your child theme updated to avoid merge errors!

General Enhancements:

  • Moved Google Analytics to header to satisfy Google Req’s
  • Reset WordPress title in preparation for 4.5
  • Updated Typography classes to include home page widgets – this means your Page Title and Copy will apply to the Slider and other elements previously missed. Visit Theme Options > Typography to change your settings if needed.
  • Improved coverage of customizer color options in WooCommerce pages
  • Removed OCMX updater
  • Updated FontAwesome
  • Portfolio categories now list themselves in alphabetical order by default
  • Improved styling and portfolio slider for responsive views

Important changes:

AddThis has been removed from the theme. To add sharing to your posts, pages or products, you may use any Sharing plugin you like, or to place a sharing widget in the special theme location, grab the code from your preferred site such as or and paste it into the Social Widget Code box in Theme Options.

The Top Bar (contact header) has been redesigned  to support fontawesome and add more social networks. Please visit Theme Options and click on the Header tab to review.


General Fixes

  • Related Products now output 3
  • Theme Options menu permissions updated to use manage_options
  • Obox Widget styling updated
  • Moved non-global scripting to run after slider and maps to resolve conflicts on some installs
  • Removed hard-coded services sidebar title
  • Added missing classes to customizer options for Cart and removed over-specific classes causing override issues with WooCommerce

Update Your Theme